I could've see that on Oxford Street

While in Kerala we went to see the famous Kathakali performance, which the traditional Keralan theatre performed by men only, using a series a eye and facial gestures to convey emotions and signs with their hands instead of language.
This is the kind of thing only tourist's see, kind of like a Coroboree dance in Australia. I know its very unpc of me, but to be honest if I wanted to see men in dresses and makeup communicating with their eyes I could have got that on Oxford street. The three long hours of the show were deathly boring and unfortunately were in the second row, but the people in the first row had enough an hour into it and had to make a sheepish retreat.
Generally you travel to see the cultures of other people, but when its culture for cultures sake that even the local people dont want to see it feels a little or a lot contrived.