Saturday, December 03, 2005

Terribly over it in Trichy - a variation on Sleepless in Seattle

Well after our amazing experiences at Tiruvannamalia we decided to move onto Trihcy which we had been told was an interesting town - got there in the pouring rain to find not much at all !!!

In one day managed to cover what we wanted to see which was a pretty much an impressive Rock Fort Temple a tiny building perched high on a mountain looming large over the city and a huge Sari shop which covered many metres and three floors.

The tricky part about Trichy however was leaving - monsoonal rain had us trapped a bridge had collapsed about 20km from the town that was the main access via bus and rail tracks had overturned when they attempted release the flood waters - yes the release point was also where the main railways were built!!! I have lost count of how many engineering schools we had seen, but who am I to judge.

Accepting our fate we decided to get ourselves a posh residence (clean with flushing toilet and hot water) and settle into life in Trichy, we engaged the services of a Hindi teacher and had lessons for four days and now know enough to build on.

However Hindi or not we took our first chance to get the hell out of Trichy and got the train to Kerela......


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